Figure 3.
X-ray diffraction of Iowa alzheimer amyloid mutant sample in normal and micro-diffraction WAX modes. (a) Light microscope view of the sample. D23N Abeta amyloid, the white mass in the sample tube, was scanned at intervals shown by light red boxes with ∼10 µm beam [(b) (i)–(iv)] with the best diffracting example (iv) shown more clearly in (c), and was also diffracted with a ∼100 µm × 100 µm-sized beam [larger red box, (d)]. The signal-to-noise improvement of the use of the smaller source size [compare (c) with (d)] is seen most noticeably for the lower-order reflections. [Reprinted with permission from Tycko et al. (2009). Biochemistry, 48, 6072–6084. Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society.]