Plot of % MMHg
versus δ202Hg (a) and Δ199Hg values
(b) of estuarine sediments and biota. Each site
is represented by a different color; BUZZ (black), WELLS (blue), BARN
(green), BOLD (orange), and MILL (red). The solid lines represent
the range of estimated MMHg isotopic composition needed to explain
sediments, crabs, and fish. The dotted lines represent the range of
estimated MMHg isotopic composition needed to explain mussels from
BOLD and birds from BUZZ and WELLS. The “estimated MMHg”
and “estimated IHg” represent the ranges of Hg isotopic
composition extrapolated for 100% MMHg and 100% IHg, respectively,
based on the linear regression of % MMHg vs δ202Hg
and Δ199Hg. Analytical uncertainty is indicated by
the error bar (2 SD).