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. 2014 Sep 2;9(9):e106285. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106285

Figure 3. Reaction phase fMRI results.

Figure 3

From top to bottom: A) reputation effects; B) gender effects (Males > Females in blue; Females > Males in pink). Significantly activated clusters, corrected for multiple comparisons at pcor<0.05 using cluster-size thresholding (after p<0.005 uncorrected). A  = Anterior, P  =  Posterior. SAG  =  Sagittal, COR  =  coronal, TRA  =  Transverse. L  =  Left, R  =  Right. FG  =  Fusiform Gyrus. MPFC  =  Medial Pre-Frontal Cortex. TPJ  =  Temporo Parietal Junction. VLPFC  =  Ventro Lateral Pre-Frontal Cortex. Statistical maps overlaid on a Talairach space template. In yellow the Theory of Mind network (ToM) is plotted.