Table 6.
Correlations between average amygdala activation (during neutral face matching compared to shape matching and fearful face matching compared to shape matching) and age, puberty, and social anxiety scores.
Neutral > Shape: | Neutral > Shape: | Fear > Shape: | Fear > Shape: | |
Left Amygdala | Right Amygdala | Left Amygdala | Right Amygdala | |
Age | -.109 | -.280* | -.088 | -.217 |
Puberty | -.027 | -.301** | .063 | -.048 |
MASC | .135 | .342*** | -.115 | -.046 |
Social anxiety |
MASC = Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children. Correlations represent Pearson's r values.
p < .05,
p < .025,
p < .01.
Correlations with p values < .025 remained significant after correcting for multiple comparisons.