Figure 2. Temperature-dependent translational regulation of reporter activity. (A) Schematic drawing of translational fusion of RNAT of interest to bgaB (thermostable β-galactosidase) in pBAD2-bgaB.29 (B) Reporter gene assay of translational fusions of cyanobacterial RNAT candidates to bgaB tested in E. coli at 30 °C (white columns) or 42 °C (black columns). The well-studied hsp17-RNAT from Synechocystis14 served as positive control. Both the fusion from Anabaena (avashort/avalong) as well as those from Nostoc (alrshort/alrlong) exhibited temperature-induced reporter activity after heat shock from 30–42 °C. The presented results are mean values of a double measurement; mean standard deviation is indicated by error bars.