Figure 1.
Muscle-specific genes are trimethylated at H3K4 during myogenesis. (a) Growing (0 h) or differentiating (6, 24 or 48 h) C2C12 cells were subjected to native ChIP analysis with antibodies to H3K4me3 or control rabbit IgG. Immunopurified nucleosomes were then deproteinated and subjected to qPCR analysis with primers recognizing the genes indicated. Average values of duplicate qPCR reactions are shown; error bars represent s.d. Each experiment was performed at least twice with independent chromatin samples and yielded similar results both times. (b) RNA was extracted from growing or differentiating C2C12 cells, reverse-transcribed and subjected to semiquantitative PCR analysis of gene expression with primers specific for the transcripts indicated. (c) cDNA was prepared as in b and subjected to qPCR analysis of gene expression with primers specific for either the Myog or Ckm transcripts and with primers specific for 18S RNA. Expression is reported relative to the control 18S RNA signal. Average values of triplicate qRT-PCR reactions are shown; error bars represent s.d. Each experiment was performed at least twice with independently isolated RNA.