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. 2014 Sep 3;8:275. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00275

Table 1.

Conjunction of all conditions Eng Unaccented, Jpn Unaccented, Eng Accented, Jpn Accented (Figure 2G).

Brain region MNI coordinates
PMvi, Broca's area, BA 6,44 −54,12,27
PMvs/PMd BA 6 −51,6,39
PostCG, IPL BA1,2 54,−30,51
Medial Frontal Cortex BA 9 Pre-SMA −6,12,57
SPL BA7 −27,−57,45
Insula BA13 −36,−33,24
MTG/STG BA21,22 −63,−27,−3
Cerebellum Vermis 0,−78,−18
Cerebellum Lobule VI −18,−54,−24

Table showing clusters of activity for the conjunction of all contrasts relative to rest (Eng Unaccented, Eng Unaccented, Jpn Accented, Jpn Unaccented) thresholded at pFDR < 0.05 corrected with an extent threshold greater than 5 voxels. Jpn., Japanese; Eng., English; Cor., corrected for multiple comparisons; BA, Brodmann area; PMvi, Ventral inferior premotor cortex; PMvs, Ventral superior premotor cortex; PMd, Dorsal premotor cortex; PostCG, Postcentral gyrus; IPL, Inferior parietal lobule; pre-SMA, Pre-supplementary motor area; SPL, Superior parietal lobule; MTG, Middle temporal gyrus; STG, Superior temporal gyrus. Negative × MNI coordinates denote left hemisphere and positive × values denote right hemisphere activity.