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. 2011;10(3):42–48.

Table 2.

Factors associated with successful quitting.

Characteristics Non-quitter Row% (n) Quitter Row% (n) p-value for X2 tests
Demographic data:
Male 14.0(16) 86.0(98) 0.039
Female 29.4(10) 70.6(24)
Marital status
Single 10(3) 90(27) 0.116
Married 17.8(19) 82.2(88)
Widowed 0(0) 100(2)
Divorced and Separated 44.4(4) 55.6(5)
Occupational status
Retired 15.4(2) 84.6(11) 0.299
Students 44.4(4) 55.6(5)
Housewife 25(4) 75(12)
Employee 14.8(8) 85.2(46)
Self employed 14.3(7) 85.7(42)
Unemployed 14.3 (1) 85.7(6)
15-24 6.3(1) 93.8(15) 0.750
25-34 22.7(10) 77.3(34)
35-44 20.5(8) 79.5(31)
45-54 16.1(5) 83.9(26)
55-64 12.5(2) 87.5(14)
65 + 0(0) 100(2)
Educational level
Below high school diploma 22.2(6) 77.8(21) 0.509
High school diploma 13(7) 87(47)
Higher than high school diploma 19.4(13) 80.6(54)
Smoking status:
Daily Cigarette Consumption
1-10 8(4) 92(46) 0.079
11-20 22.4(17) 77.6(59)
21 + 22.7(5) 77.3(17)
Nicotine dependence level (Fagerström Test)
Mild 8.3(3) 91.7(33) 0.189
Moderate 17.1(7) 82.9(34)
Severe 22.5(16) 77.5(55)
Age of smoking initiation
19 and below 40(4) 60(6) 0.750
Above 19 15.9(22) 84.1(116)
Quitting History:
No previous quit attempt(s)
None or one 15(6) 85(34) 0.303
More than one 18.5(20) 81.5(88)