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. 2014 Jan 2;2:e43. doi: 10.1017/jns.2013.29

Table 4.

Blood pressure in the pretest control group and in those drinking water, casein, skimmed milk or the whey drink*

(Mean values and standard deviations)

Week –12 Week 0 Week 12 Change†
Mean sd Mean sd Mean sd Mean sd Paired test‡ Treatment§ Treatment‖
Brachial SBP (mmHg)¶
 Pretest control 111·4 8·6 110·9 8·5 –0·5 5·8 P = 0·651
 Water 111·8 7·9 110·8 6·6 –1·1 6·3 P = 0·242 P = 0·513
 Casein 109·3 7·6 110·0 5·8 –0·4 5·4 P = 0·644 P = 0·729 P = 0·763
 Skimmed milk 109·1 6·5 109·8 7·4 0·7 6·1 P = 0·458 P = 0·962 P = 0·431
 Whey 111·3 7·4 113·7 9·7 2·0 7·8 P = 0·105 P = 0·098 P = 0·009
Brachial DBP (mmHg)¶
 Pretest control 64·3 5·9 63·7 6·1 –0·6 4·3 P = 0·443
 Water 65·3 7·6 63·8 5·8 –1·5 5·6 P = 0·067 P = 0·056
 Casein 66·1 5·9 63·9 5·7 –1·8 5·0 P = 0·036 P = 0·040 P = 0·767
 Skimmed milk 65·3 6·1 64·7 5·6 –0·5 5·7 P = 0·558 P = 0·294 P = 0·342
 Whey 64·5 5·7 65·2 5·6 0·6 5·9 P = 0·498 P = 0·793 P = 0·061
Central SBP (mmHg)**
 Pretest control 94·2 5·8 93·7 6·5 –0·5 4·9 P = 0·604
 Water 94·8 5·3 93·8 4·8 –1·0 4·4 P = 0·117 P = 0·291
 Casein 93·6 6·0 93·9 5·4 0·1 5·1 P = 0·935 P = 0·766 P = 0·440
 Skimmed milk 93·6 5·7 92·8 5·9 –0·7 4·5 P = 0·348 P = 0·274 P = 0·930
 Whey 94·5 5·4 96·6 7·4 1·7 6·0 P = 0·068 P = 0·085 P = 0·002
Central DBP (mmHg)**
 Pretest control 65·8 5·6 65·6 6·6 0·0 4·4 P = 0·966
 Water 66·5 7·3 64·4 5·5 –2·2 5·5 P = 0·010 P = 0·006
 Casein 67·7 5·8 65·7 6·0 –1·8 5·1 P = 0·048 P = 0·034 P = 0·540
 Skimmed milk 66·6 6·5 66·2 5·7 –0·3 5·5 P = 0·705 P = 0·267 P = 0·061
 Whey 66·2 5·5 67·1 5·2 0·9 5·2 P = 0·276 P = 0·875 P = 0·003

SBP, systolic blood pressure; –, no measurements were performed; DBP, diastolic blood pressure.


There were no differences between the four test-drink groups at baseline (week 0).

† For test drinks, calculated as the change from week 0 to week 12; in the pretest control group, calculated as the change from week –12 to week 0.

‡ Level of significance between week 0 and week 12 for the test-drink groups and between week –12 and week 0 for the pretest control group.

§ Level of significance for difference over the intervention between the test-drink group and the pretest control group.

|| Level of significance for difference over the intervention between the milk-based test drink and water.

¶ For brachial blood pressures, at week –12 (n 32); at week 0 (water (n 50), casein (n 47), skimmed milk (n 48), whey (n 48)); at week 12 (water (n 50), casein (n 36), skimmed milk (n 44), whey (n 43)).

** For central blood pressures, at week –12 (n 30); at week 0 (water (n 48), casein (n 44), skimmed milk (n 46), whey (n 45)); at week 12 (water (n 47), casein (n 36), skimmed milk (n 42), whey (n 42)).