Table 1. Total number of BrdU+ cells in third ventricle and optic chiasm in different groups.
Total number of BrdU+ cells | Saline 7 dpi | LPC 3 dpi | LPC 7 dpi | LPC 14 dpi | siNgR 3 dpi | siNgR 7 dpi | siNgR 14 dpi |
Third ventricle | 0.3±0.12 | 7.3±1.97 | 9.1±1.5* | 6±1.16 | 21.3±2.5*** | 16±2.49** | 7±1.55∧∧ |
Optic chiasm | 3.66±0.88 | 10±1.73 | 15±1.82 | 25.3±3.6*** | 14.67±2.6 | 32±2.25*** | 50.6±3.7 |
Data in all groups evaluated by one way ANOVA and *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001 show significance changes compared to saline and ∧∧p<0.01 compared to siNgR 7 dpi.