FIG. 4.
(A) Distribution of reaction times for correct (upper panel) and incorrect (lower panel) single source trials of one animal (F1018) (bin size 100 ms). Reaction time was defined as the time measured between the onset of the target sound and the animal's withdrawal from the central waterspout. (B) Reaction times for paired source trials when this same animal (F1018) approached either the leading loudspeaker (black) or the lagging loudspeaker (gray). Median values for trials on which the lagging loudspeaker was approached were significantly higher than for trials on which the leading loudspeaker was approached (p = 0.00028, Mann-Whitney U test). Reaction times for |ISD| = 0 are shown on the left of the figure (dark gray boxplot). For comparison, reaction times for correct (c) and incorrect (ic) single source trials are shown on the right (open boxplots). (C) Median reaction times averaged for all seven ferrets. Reaction times for trials on which the lagging loudspeaker was approached (gray) were longer than those for trials on which the leading loudspeaker was approached (black). Mean values for correct (black filled triangle) and incorrect (gray triangle) single source trials and for paired source trials with |ISD| = 0 (open triangle) are shown for comparison.