Figure 1.
Kaplan-Meier analysis of ages at Tanner stage ≥2 breast development and menarche. A, Kaplan-Meier plot of age at attainment of Tanner stage ≥2 breast development. Starting at approximately 8.5 years of age, the curve for girls who received childhood low-dose estrogen is shifted to the left, indicating significantly earlier thelarche (P < .001), compared with that for girls who received oral placebo during childhood with initiation of pubertal estrogen replacement at the first study visit after age 12. All girls received escalating dosages of EE2 for pubertal induction from the first visit after the 12th birthday (arrow). The dotted line represents the curve for general population standards for attainment of Tanner breast stage 2, based on data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (29). B, Kaplan-Meier analysis of age at attainment of menarche; the curves for the two groups are not significantly different (P = .986). All girls received escalating dosages of EE2 for pubertal induction from the first visit after the 12th birthday (arrow). Median age at menarche for girls in the US general population (12.6 years [Ref. 51]) is shown by the cross.