1a |
Branchlet hairs on new season growth mostly divergent; divergent hairs up to 0.1 mm long |
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1b |
Branchlet hairs on new season growth mostly antrorse-appressed; hairs up to 0.7 mm long |
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2a |
Mature branchlets glabrescent; branchlet hairs strictly divergent, 0.02–0.05 mm long; pherophylls foliose, ± persistent, narrowly elliptic, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate; hypanthia sharply obconic, glabrous (very rarely sparsely hairy); endemic to the northern South Island, New Zealand |
1 Kunzea
2b |
Mature branchlets hairy; branchlet hairs mostly divergent 0.03–0.12 mm long; pherophylls foliose or squamiform, deciduous, spathulate, spathulate-orbicular, rarely pandurate, oblong, oblong-obovate to oblanceolate, shortly lanceolate or broadly to narrowly linear-lanceolate; hypanthia urceolate, campanulate, narrowly cupular, funnelform to obconic, puberulent (very rarely glabrescent); not endemic to the South Island, New Zealand |
3 |
3a |
Branches obliquely ascending, fastigiate; pherophylls foliose not squamiform, mostly spathulate (sometimes pandurate); petals with yellow oil glands when fresh |
2 Kunzea
3b |
Branches spreading to widely spreading, suberect to erect and ascending but not obliquely ascending or fastigiate; pherophylls foliose, squamiform or usually both, never spathulate; petals with rose-pink or colourless oil glands when fresh, or oil glands not evident fresh or dry |
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4a |
Plants heterophyllous; branchlet hairs copious, divergent, weakly flexuose, 0.03–0.08 mm long, apices ± straight; leaves of juveniles and reversion shoots linear-lanceolate, 0.9–3.0(–4.5) × 0.2–0.4(–0.6) mm long, sometimes long persistent; calyx-lobes distinctly thickened toward the base, and with an obvious external junction with the hypanthium; species confined to active geothermal habitats of the mainland Taupo Volcanic Zone, North Island, New Zealand |
3 Kunzea
4b |
Plants not heterophyllous, branchlets glabrescent or hairy; if hairy then hairs of two types, antrorse-appressed (often deciduous) straight to weakly flexuose, up to 0.55 mm long, or divergent, up to 0.12 mm long, with curled apices; adult leaves variable, if linear-lanceolate then 4–10(–18) × 0.6–1.2(–2.0) mm long; calyx lobes of hypanthia not thickened toward base; species of mostly non geothermal habitats of Moutohora (Whale Island) and the coastal Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand |
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5a |
Epicormic growth and suckers absent; branchlets hairy (rarely glabrescent); hairs in mixtures of longer (up to 0.55 mm long), deciduous, antrorse-appressed hairs and shorter (up to 0.10 mm long), persistent, divergent hairs with ± curled apices; antrorse-appressed hairs confined to active branchlet tips; adult leaves linear-lanceolate to narrowly oblanceolate; species endemic to Moutohora (Whale Island), Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, where widespread, and sometimes found in active geothermal habitats |
4 Kunzea
5b |
Epicormic growth and suckers frequent, prostrate and widely trailing from trunk base; branchlet hairs copious, persistent, in mixtures of divergent and antrorse-appressed hairs; antrorse-appressed hairs straight up to 0.03 mm long, not confined to active branchlet tips; divergent hairs up to 0.14 mm long, apices strongly curled and spiralled; leaves mostly obovate to clavate, sometimes broadly oblanceolate; species endemic to mobile sand systems of the eastern Bay of Plenty, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand not known from geothermal habitats |
5 Kunzea
6a |
Inflorescences spiciform; leaves consistently linear with distinctly hairy margins and abaxial midrib (rarely glabrescent); pherophylls obliquely ascending, linear to linear-falcate; flowers sessile to subsessile; calyx lobes sharply erect and apically pinched inwards in mature flower buds |
6 Kunzea
6b |
Inflorescences elongate or corymbiform, never spiciform; leaves variable but rarely linear (if linear then glabrescent, and with inflorescences consistently corymbiform); pherophylls spreading or recurved, oblong, oblong-obovate, broadly oblong to elliptic, narrowly deltoid, narrowly lanceolate, lanceolate, oblanceolate or rarely broadly spathulate; flowers pedicellate; calyx lobes flat or slightly domed in mature flower buds, rarely suberect, if so then not apically pinched inwards |
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7a |
Inflorescences elongate, never corymbiform; pherophylls foliose, persistent |
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7b |
Inflorescences initially corymbiform, sometimes elongate toward end of flowering season; pherophylls foliose and squamiform, mostly deciduous, rarely persistent |
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8a |
Plants heterophyllous; shrubs or trees of mainly coastal mobile sand systems; reversion shoots and epicormic growth occasional; juvenile long persistent, often flowering; juvenile leaves ovate, broadly ovate, rhomboid to obovate; adult leaves oblong, oblong-obovate, broadly oblanceolate to lanceolate; pherophylls oblong, oblong-obovate, broadly oblong to elliptic; species endemic to North and South Islands of New Zealand, not known from the Three Kings Islands group |
7 Kunzea
8b |
Plants not heterophyllous; trees of coastal shrubland and forest; reversion shoots and epicormic growth absent; leaves lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate; pherophylls broadly lanceolate to lanceolate; species endemic to the Three Kings Islands group |
8 Kunzea
9a |
Prostrate, widely spreading shrubs (very rarely small trees up to 6 m tall) of mainly exposed, sparsely vegetated rhyolitic rock and talus; new growth subscandent; adult leaf surfaces densely covered in persistent, long (0.45–1.23 mm long) antrorse-appressed hairs; lamina silvery white, silvery-grey to reddish-grey; species endemic to Aotea (Great Barrier Island), New Zealand |
9 Kunzea
9b |
Erect trees up to 30 m tall of coastal to montane successional forested habitats; new growth initially erect, soon widely spreading, rarely pendulous, never subscandent; adult leaf surfaces glabrous except for margins and midrib, these ± finely covered with a thin, often interrupted band of deciduous hairs tending toward glabrate; lamina light to dark green; widespread throughout the main islands of New Zealand |
10 Kunzea