Table II. Prevalence rates of transsexualism and GID.
Author | Year | Country | T or GID* | MTF | FTM | MTF/FTM ratio |
Tsoi | 1988 | Singapore | T | 1:2900 | 1:8300 | 3:1 |
Bakker | 1993 | Netherlands | T | 1:11900 | 1:30400 | 2.5:1 |
Wilson | 1999 | Scotland | GID | 1:7440 | 1:31150 | 4:1 |
De Cuypere | 2006 | Belgium | T | 1:12900 | 1:33800 | 2.4:1 |
Vujovic | 2008 | Serbia | T | 1:113636 | 1:105263 | 0.9:1 |
*: transsexualism (T) or gender identity disorders (GID).