Figure 6.
TRPM4 does not contribute to the residual sADP in TRPM5 KO mice. (A) Superimposed representative traces show the sADP induced by a depolarizing current step (200 pA, 500 ms) in CCh for wild-type mice (black trace) and Trpm4/5 double knockout (DKO) mice (red trace). Scale bars, 1 mV and 5 s. Initial Vm was −66 mV. (B) There is no difference in spike number during current injection between populations of mice (n = 6–10, P = 0.75). (C) Trpm4/5 -DKO mice generated sADPs with smaller amplitude (n = 6–10, ** indicates P < 0.01) (C) and area (n = 6–10, * indicates P < 0.05) (D) compared to wild-type littermate controls. (E,F) Bar graphs showing sADP amplitude (E) and area (F) in three different genotypes expressed as percentage of sADP in wild-type littermate controls. Normalized sADP amplitude and sADP area show significant differences between Trpm4−/− KO vs. Trpm5−/− KO and between Trpm4−/− KO vs. Trpm4/5 -DKO mice (one-way ANOVA; n = 10–12, * indicates P < 0.05 and *** indicates P < 0.0001, respectively).