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. 2014 Sep 4;8(9):e3145. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003145

Table 1. Listing of predicted B. malayi NMT substrates.

B. malayi locus Myristoylation motif Score Protein information C. elegans homolog
Bm1_33335 GGNNSTPKSDTMMDHQP 3.982 hypothetical protein F46C8.3
Bm1_01010 GCTMSQEERAALERSRM 3.961 guanine nucleotide-binding protein G-o protein alpha subunit C26C6.2 *
Bm1_20595 GNYKSRPPSSCADELKK 3.617 Protein kinase domain containing protein C24A1.3a *
Bm1_07670 GGRQSSQVSHEVAQSEV 3.327 cytochrome C-type heme lyase T06D8.6 *
Bm1_36040 GNCFSGSPRQSSPSSDI 2.626 SRC-1, putative Y92H12A.1 *
Bm1_54125 GNSGSTNIPGGGTEGYH 2.584 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2, putative Y42H9AR.1
Bm1_51340 GSCQSQEAQEQLARNKA 2.509 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-3 subunit, putative C34D1.3 *
Bm1_52520 GQQQSGFGGKREDRGGG 2.411 Probable 26S protease regulatory subunit 4 F29G9.5 *
Bm1_44925 GNALCCLQDSSSAARSK 2.368 cyclin fold protein 1 variant b ZK353.1b
Bm1_35125 GCVNSIDQNAKARSKQI 2.304 GTP-binding regulatory protein alpha chain - starfish, putative T07A9.7
Bm1_03585 GQIASIRRRASVPNVTN 2.205 hypothetical protein C11H1.3 *
Bm1_15680 GSSQSYEESNRSDDLPK 1.780 hypothetical protein M176.3 *
Bm1_01525 GQERSILSRKSQNTIEM 1.736 hypothetical protein F54B11.5
Bm1_53985 GASLTSPLPHRPPTSVC 1.705 hypothetical protein Bm1_53985 T23F11.3b
Bm1_32000 GNGQSSNDTNIPSSHSF 1.704 hypothetical protein F59E12.11 *
Bm1_45820 GGRCSRRAPSPTHPKLS 1.688 Protein kinase domain containing protein ZK909.2h *
Bm1_26080 GQFLSTTASVDEESILR 1.646 Glutaredoxin family protein ZK121.1a *
Bm1_16785 GNTGSSLTDLNLFSKGG 1.635 calcium and integrin binding family member 2 F30A10.1 *
Bm1_28345 GAYLSKPITEKISECGG 1.596 Protein phosphatase 2C containing protein T23F11.1
Bm1_34880 GAATSGLQSQMQQEHDP 1.384 LD28933p F20D1.1
Bm1_31655 GQQQSAFVVEIASSRFG 1.301 hypothetical protein Y67A10A.7
Bm1_07365 GKAGSKVKNYSKIKKNN 1.146 TLD family protein K08E7.1 *
Bm1_41730 GSCLGKKSSTTILEAVH 0.948 protein-tyrosine kinase F49B2.5 *
Bm1_38795 GLTISGLFGRLFGKKQV 0.755 ADP-ribosylation factor 4 F57H12.1 *
Bm1_55795 GTRLSVSLEDPEVSPRT 0.189 Probable NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase B18 subunit D2030.4 *
Bm1_04790 GISTSMQKDSTVLSCYG 0.183 Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase C52B9.7a *
Bm1_46940 GNAAGSIKRSKSIGTWI 0.105 hypothetical protein C52A11.2 *
Bm1_12460 GNLFGKQRPALTPVSQQ 0.076 FLJ11749-like Y65B4A.3 *
Bm1_28970 GTTIAIKRKGTGESGKS −0.192 G-protein alpha subunit, putative C26C6.2 *
Bm1_51315 GICQSQEEKTMVAKSRA −0.743 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-3 subunit, putative E02C12.5 *
Bm1_36120 GIKSSKPKLSKEDLDFL −0.798 Neuronal calcium sensor 2 F10G8.5 *
Bm1_17230 GNRESSTSLTSLTSLIS −0.812 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase family protein ZK328.1b *
Bm1_54455 GKLLSKIFGKREMRILM −1.097 ADP-ribosylation factor 6 B0336.2 *
Bm1_39660 GNMEASGREMDNPDAEE −1.101 map kinase activated protein kinase protein 2, isoform b F42G8.3b *
Bm1_43750 GAKISSETLIEENTYLR −1.488 RIKEN cDNA 4933427L07 C47D12.2 *
Bm1_49765 GADGGTIPKRCELVKKK −1.607 chromosome 20 open reading frame 43 C01A2.5 *
Bm1_50685 GALLATPACISSLACCC −1.798 TDE2 protein Y57E12AL.1a*
Bm1_18185 GNNQGGLHKRERALDGQ −1.911 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase, beta subunit Y47D3A.15

Survey of potential targets for N-terminal glycine myristoylation in B. malayi. Predicted myristoylated proteins in the proteome of C. elegans (145 clusters) were retrieved from MYRbase and used to query the B. malayi genome. Homologs with a BLASTP E-Value <e−10 were analyzed using the MYR predictor [55] to predict myristoylation sites. Protein sequences that were scored as “Reliable” with a positive score or “Twilight zone” with a negative score were retained and duplicates were discarded. C. elegans homologs that showed any abnormal phenotype in WormBase were marked with *. Unlikely candidates such as multi-pass integral membrane proteins were removed.