Figure 7. pG1 sensitizes resistant lymphoma cells to inhibition of PI3K independent of C481S BTK mutation.
A, schema for overriding the BTKC481S mutation by dual inhibition of CDK4 and PI3K. B, confirmation of the BTK sequence (WT or C481S) reconstituted in DT40 BTK−/− cells by Sanger sequencing. C, immunoblotting of indicated proteins in DT40 BTK−/− cells stably infected with a lentivirus expressing human BTKWT-V5, BTKC481S-6xHis or the GFP-V5 control vector as described in the Supplementary Methods. D, Cell cycle analysis by propidium iodide staining of DT40_BTKWT and DT40_BTKC481S cells cultured with PD 0332991 (PD) (0.3 μmol/L) for 16 hours. Number in the FACS profile indicates the percentage of cells in S phase as analyzed by FlowJo. E, DT40_ BTKWT and DT40_ BTKC481S cells were cultured in the absence (Cntl) or presence of PD 0332991 (pG1) as in D before addition of GS-1101 or BAY 80-6946 for 32 hours at concentrations indicated in the continuous presence of PD 0332991. Cell death was determined by ToPro-3 staining and FACS analysis. The total number of live cells was determined by Trypan Blue staining (x106 cells/ml). Error bars represent SD. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments.