Human prostatic tissues with higher Gleason score and prostate cancer bone metastasis tissues express elevated levels of miR-409. A, Quantitative analysis of miR-409-3p and miR-409-5p expression in tumor tissues with Gleason grade. B, Representative image of miR-409-3p (green) and miR-409-5p (red) expression in tumor tissues and H&E staining (40x). The tissue array consisted of BPH (N=14), Gleason 6 (N=26) and Gleason ≥ 7 (N=35), data analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance- Tukey method. C, miR-409-3p expression in Gleason_high (N=29) and Gleason_low (N=78) based on MSKCC dataset. D, Kaplan-Meier disease free survival (DFS) curves for the prostate cancer patients, based on miR-409-3p expression in the MSKCC dataset. The y-axis is disease free survival probability, and the x-axis is survival in months. Blue line represents the DFS of patients with miR-409-3p lower than the median of the normal individuals (n=78). Red line represents the DFS of patients with miR-409-3p higher than the median of the normal individuals (n=29). Data was analyzed using log-rank test (p=4.3e-05). *: p<0.05 were considered to be statistically significant.