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. 2014 Aug 30;26(8):1241–1246. doi: 10.1589/jpts.26.1241

Table 1. Blood fatigue factors.

Items Group Resting End of exercise Recovery
Lactate (mmol/l) PS 2.26±1.09 8.28±2.92* 4.94±1.79*†
BS 1.66±0.43 9.24±3.15* 6.28±1.12*†
GS 2.30±0.37 10.54±0.82* 4.42±1.05*†
Phosphorous (ug/dl) PS 4.10±0.77 5.62±0.28* 4.42±0.39
BS 4.52±0.85 5.54±0.46* 4.36±0.52†
GS 3.96±0.44 5.68±0.41* 3.40±0.27†
Ammonia (mg/d) PS 88.80±31.99 335.80±85.37* 123.00±56.32†
BS 111.00±24.24 418.00±60.74* 165.80±57.01†
GS 129.60±26.17 430.80±102.32* 119.20±25.44†
CK (IU/l) PS 214.20±78.61 240.40±86.91* 227.40±74.74
BS 217.40±50.04 258.00±62.72* 235.80±51.09
GS 203.20±44.40 222.60±45.13* 190.20±42.17†

Mean±SD. PS, Placebo supplementtation; BS, BCAA supplementtation; GS, Glutamine supplementation. * p<0.05 vs. resting; † p<0.05 vs. end of exercise