UMSCs suppress the in vivo inflammatory response in a glycocalyx-dependent manner. Corneas were subjected to alkali burn, and UMSCs that were previously treated or not with Hepase or Chase AC+B for 24 h were transplanted into the stroma. A, stereomicroscope images of the corneas were taken 24 h, 5 days, 1 week, and 2 weeks after the alkali burn. Twelve animals were analyzed in each group, and the number of transparent corneas/total at 2 weeks is indicated in the figure. B and C, 2 weeks after the alkali burn, the corneas were subjected to whole mount analysis for inflammatory cell infiltration. The number of F4/80+ (B) and CD11b+ (C) cells/cornea were counted. * is S.D. against PBS-treated, and ** against UMSC-treated, * and **, p < 0.05. D, corneas were analyzed by in vivo confocal microscopy 2 weeks after the alkali burn to evaluate corneal haze. E, UMSCs were stained with DiI prior to transplantation to evaluate their presence initially and in the corneas 2 weeks after transplantation, thereby assessing their ability to survive host rejection.