Change in selected strategy parameters over generations, including the proportion of biomass allocated to shoot before a wet crack is encountered, pshbmb, in the first Crack Scenario run (A, quantile ranges shown to illustrate variability within a single population at given generations; and B, only means shown to allow clear comparison of four different evolutionary runs; CR1, first Crack Scenario run; CR2, second Crack Scenario run; BM1, first Biomass Scenario run; BM2, second Biomass Scenario run), the proportion of biomass allocated to shoot after a wet crack is encountered pshbma (C), the initial growth weighting of the lateral roots wt0 (D), the rate at which growth weighting of the laterals changes with depth wtΔ (E), the inflection point for probability of branching moving down the main root bdown (F), the maximum probability of branching moving up the main root following its first encounter with the impermeable surface pupmax (G) and the inflection point for probability of branching moving up the main root following its first encounter with the impermeable surface bup (H), for all four evolutionary runs (key in B also applies to C–H).