Table 9.
Assessing targeting treatments using alternative welfare metrics
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |
Consumption (rg) | Community survey ranks (rc) | Sub-village head survey ranks (re) | Self-Assessment (rs) | |
Community treatment | −0.065** (0.033) | 0.246*** (0.029) | 0.248*** (0.038) | 0.102*** (0.033) |
Hybrid treatment | −0.067** (0.033) | 0.143*** (0.029) | 0.128*** (0.038) | 0.075** (0.033) |
Observations | 640 | 640 | 640 | 637 |
Mean in PMT treatment | 0.451 | 0.506 | 0.456 | 0.343 |
Notes: The dependent variable is the rank correlation between the treatment outcome (i.e., the rank ordering of households generated by the PMT, community, or hybrid treatment) and the welfare metric shown in the column, where each observation is a village. Robust standard errors are shown in parentheses.
* p<0.1