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. 2014 Sep 5;9(9):e107144. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107144

Table 1. Current policies reviewed for the selected offset frameworks.

Country Year Document reference What it regulates
Brazil 2000 Law 9985 Sets the obligation for projects subject to environmental licensing of offsetting impacts by making payments to support the National System of Protected Areas
2002 Decree 4340 Regulates calculation of offset payments, sets the need of an Offsets Chamber, and establishes how to use offset funds
2004 Direct action of unconstitutionality 3378 Partially modifies Art.36 § 1° of Law 9985 (original one declared partially unconstitutional)
2006 CONAMA Resolution 371/06 Sets guidelines for the environmental authority to calculate, collect, use, approve and manage offset funds related to Law 9985
2006 Decree 5746 Regulates offsets for impacts to Natural Heritage Reserves
2009 Decree 6848 Modifies Decree 4340
2010 Ordinance 416 Creates the Environmental Offsets Federal Chamber (CFCA)
2010 Ordinance 458 Designates the representatives of each organization that compound the Environmental Offsets Federal Chamber (CFCA)
2011 Ordinance 10 Regulates the selection of environmental non-governmental organizations that will be part of the Environmental Offsets Federal Chamber (CFCA)
2011 Ordinance 225 Creates the Environmental Offsets Federal Committee (CCAF)
2011 Normative Instruction 8 Regulates the Environmental Offsets procedure set in Decree 4340 and modified by Decree 6848
2011 Normative Instruction 20 Regulates the administrative procedures for setting the terms of commitment regarding offsets
2011 IBAMA Ordinance 16 Sets the bylaws of the Environmental Offsets Federal Committee (CCAF)
Colombia 2010 Resolution 1503 Sets the obligation to follow the instructions of the “Manual for allocating offsets for loss of biodiversity” for implementing offsets in projects subject to EIA
2012 Resolution 1517 Approves the Manual for allocating offsets for loss of biodiversity
Mexico 2003 General Law on Sustainable Forestry Sets the obligation of making offset payments for land-use change of forest areas
2005 Regulation of the General Law on Sustainable Forestry Sets the basis for regulating offset payments for land-use change of forest areas
2005 Agreement on offsets equivalency Sets the method for calculating the required offsets area
2011 Agreement on offsets costs Sets the reference costs for calculating the required offset payments
Peru 2014? Offsets law [to be passed] Sets the basis for offsetting impacts to biodiversity in projects subject to EIA (categories II and III)