Figure 2. TSR1 and TSR1IP silencing results in reduction or elevation of distinct mRNAs. (A and B) Cells expressing the RNAi silencing constructs were silenced for the indicated duration. Total RNA (20 µg) was subjected to Northern analysis with T7 transcribed antisense RNA probe specific to the gene affected. RNA from SmD1 silenced cells was used to control for the precursors that accumulate under splicing perturbations. To control for equal loading, the blot was hybridized with a random-labeled 7SL RNA probe. The results were quantified using ImageJ. The levels of mature transcript are given as fold change with respect to their level at day 0, and were normalized to the level of 7SL RNA. Short exposure of the same gel is shown below each Northern. (A) TSR1 silenced cells: (i) TSR1- downregulated genes; (ii) TSR1- upregulated genes; (B) TSR1IP silenced cells: (i) downregulated; and (ii) upregulated genes.