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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Mar 11.
Published in final edited form as: Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2014 Mar 11;7(2):276–284. doi: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.113.000799

Table 1.

Health outcomes and costs for statin prescribing strategies with and without coronary calcium screening

Outcome Outcome from applying the given strategy to a theoretical cohort of 10,000 55-year-old women with high cholesterol*
Treat None Treat if CAC>300 Treat if CAC>100 Treat if CAC>0 Treat All
Cost of CAC screening $0 $2.25 million $2.25 million $2.25 million $0
On statins at baseline, n 0 100 400 2,500 10,000
Total lifetime cost of statin therapy, $
    - at $0.13/pill $1.12 million $1.21 million $1.40 million $2.97 million $9.02 million
    - at $1.00/pill $3.46 million $3.74 million $4.36 million $9.43 million $28.91 million
Other healthcare costs, $ total $1,395.8 million $1,395.1 million $1,394.5 million $1,391.6 million $1,387.9 million
Total costs, $
    - at $0.13/pill $1,396.9 million $1,398.5 million $1,398.1 million $1,396.9 million $1,396.9 million
    - at $1.00/pill $1,399.3 million $1,401.1 million $1,401.1 million $1,403.3 million $1,416.8 million
Total number of events
    Angina 739 736 731 706 675
    Myocardial infarction 549 548 545 533 517
    Stroke 479 479 479 479 473
    Statin-induced myopathy 0 1 3 17 70
    CT-induced cancer 0 9 9 9 0
Life-years 249,564 249,563 249,649 250,065 250,672
Quality-adjusted life-years
    - with no statin disutility 170,435 170,437 170,488 170,728 171,075
    - with .00384 statin disutility 170,435 170,433 170,477 170,664 170,836
Incremental cost, QALY's and $/QALY
    With favorable statin assumptions
        Compared with Treat None
            - Incremental costs, $ Reference + $1.6 million + $1.2 million − $0.07 million − $0.04 million
            - Incremental QALYs Reference + 2 + 53 + 292 + 640
            - $/QALY Reference $990,000 $22,000 Cost-saving Cost-saving
        Compared with next cheaper non-dominated strategy
            - Incremental costs, $ Dominated Dominated Dominated Least costly + $0.03 million
            - Incremental QALYs Dominated Dominated Dominated Reference + 347
            - $/QALY Dominated Dominated Dominated Reference $100
    With less favorable statin assumptions
        Compared with Treat None
            - Incremental costs, $ Reference + $1.8 million + $1.8 million + $4.0 million + $17.5 million
            - Incremental QALYs Reference − 2 + 41 + 229 + 401
            - $/QALY Reference Dominated $43,000 $18,000 $44,000
        Compared with next cheaper non-dominated strategy
            - Incremental costs, $ Reference Dominated Dominated + $4.0 million + $13.5 million
            - Incremental QALYs Reference Dominated Dominated + 229 + 172
            - $/QALY Reference Dominated Dominated $18,000 $78,000

The base-case clinical scenario is a 55-year-old woman with total cholesterol = 221 mg/dl, HDL cholesterol = 40 mg/dl, systolic blood pressure = 120 mmHg without medications who does not smoke or have diabetes.

In the favorable statin assumptions scenario, statins cost $0.13/pill and have no disutility. In the less favorable statin assumptions scenario, statins cost $1.00/pill and have disutility = 0.00384, equivalent to 2 weeks of perfect health traded away to avoid 10 years on statins. Note that total statin costs account for discontinuation after myopathy and addition of statin therapy in all strategies for secondary prevention dependent on state membership.

Preferred strategy under the given assumptions if society is willing to pay up to $50,000 per QALY

CAC – Coronary artery calcium; CT – Computed tomography; QALY – Quality-adjusted life-year; Treat All – Treat all persons with statins and do not test for CAC; Treat None – Do not treat with statins and do not test for CAC; Treat if CAC>X – Test for CAC, and treat with statins if the CAC score is over X.

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