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. 2014 Aug 19;136(35):12323–12336. doi: 10.1021/ja505403j

Table 1. Hyperfine Coupling Tensor A, Dipolar Coupling Tensor T, and Quadrupole Tensor P for FeV14N(nitride) Obtained from the Spin-Unrestricted PBE0-DFT and CASSCF Calculationsb Compared with Experimental 14N ENDOR Valuesa.

  A1 A2 A3 aiso T1 T2 T3 P1 P2 P3
14N DFT –28.0 –19.6 1.2 –15.5 –12.5 –4.1 +16.7 –0.057 –0.067 0.124
14N DFT/3 –9.33 –6.5 +0.4 –5.2 –4.2 –1.4 +5.6 –0.019 –0.022 0.041
14N CAS c –4.26 –1.58 +5.84 0.10d 0.14 –0.24
14N exp –9.11 –6.84 –0.71 –5.55 –3.56 –1.29 +4.84 ∼0 ∼0 ∼0

All values in units of MHz.


All calculations performed on DFT minimized geometry.


aiso could not be accurately calculated by CASSCF methods due to severe convergence difficulties when including N 2s orbitals in the active space.


P3 = 2[e2qQ/(4I(2I – 1)] MHz; η = (P1P2)/P3 = 0.163.