Figure 2.
Effects of the methanol and the chloroform fractions on the volume of intestinal contents [Data represented as mean ± SD; *=significantly (p < 0.05) lower compared to group 2].
Group 1=5 mL/Kg b.w of 3% v/v tween 80 (vehicle)
Group 2=Vehicle + 1 mL of castor oil (CO)
Group 3=3 mg/Kg b.w of hyoscine + 1ml of CO
Group 4=100 mg/Kg b.w of methanol fraction of P. americana +1 mL of CO
Group 5=200 mg/Kg b.w of methanol fraction of P. americana +1 mL of CO
Group 6=100 mg/Kg b.w of chloroform fraction of P. americana +1 mL of CO
Group 7=200 mg/Kg b.w chloroform fraction of P. americana +1 mL of CO