Figure 1. Time of training effects during acquisition trials.
Cochran's Q analyses showed a significant effect of training days for both trial 1 data (panel A; AM group: Q(5)=31.957 and PM group: Q(5)=14.412, ps < .001) and trials 1-4 averaged data showing the averaged data (+ SEM) for each day (panel B; AM group: Q(5)=69.985, and PM group: Q(5)=60.255, p <.001), but Chi squared analysis showed no effect of time of training on proportion of grass rats to find the platform each day for both data sets (χ2(1,N=24) = 0.00-3.227, all Ps> 0.07). The SEM values in panel B are so small that they are obscured by the symbols demarking the value of each data point.