Fig. 3.
Group summary data for absolute MSNA (burst frequency; ANOVA: condition P < 0.01, group P < 0.01, and interaction P = 0.194) and MAP (ANOVA: condition P < 0.01, group P = 0.552, and interaction P = 0.679) during baseline (base) and during the last minute of moderate intensity static handgrip (HG) at mean Tsk 34°C and Tsk 30.5°C in young and older adults are shown in A and B. The increases (delta value) in MSNA (ANOVA: condition P = 0.10, group P = 0.179, and interaction P = 0.178) and MAP (ANOVA: condition P = 0.470, group P = 0.705, and interaction P = 0.329) from baseline to the last minute of static HG are presented in C and D. *P < 0.05 vs. young; †P < 0.05 vs. mean Tsk 34°C; ‡P < 0.05 vs. base.