HisC mutant (A–E) and wild type sibling (F–J) embryos stained with antibodies against phosphorylated H2Av (γH2Av), against β-Galactosidase (lacZ) and with DAPI to detect DNA. (A–C) HisC mutant embryos were identified by the lack of lacZ staining. (D and E) Late S15 cells in the dorsal epidermis of HisC mutant embryos show a moderate increase of γH2Av as compared to ventral cells that are in early S15 or still in M14 (blue arrowhead). (F–H) Wild type sibling embryos of comparable age were identified based on lacZ staining. (I and J) In these embryos dorsal epidermal cells were already in S/G216. The increase in γH2Av staining was less pronounced than in HisC mutant embryos. (K–P) Untreated (w/o HU; K–M) and HU-treated (N–P) S2R+ cells were stained for γH2Av and DNA showing an increase of γH2Av signal in HU-treated cells. Dorsal up in (A–J), anterior to the left in (A–C, F–H), scale bars: 100 µm (A–C, F–H), 10 µm (D, E, I, J), 20 µm (K and N) and 5 µm (L, M, O, P).