Model for widespread and tissue-specific expression of CLK-CYC target genes. Clock
gene-expressing tissues in an adult Drosophila (left). Yellow, antennae; cream, brain;
tan, fat body; purple, proboscis; black, pacemaker neurons; pink, photoreceptors; orange,
digestive tract; gray, salivary glands; aqua, ventral nerve chord; blue, Malpighian
tubules; green, male reproductive tract; brown, rectum. Arrows denote regulation of clock
gene and output gene expression in brain pacemaker neurons, photoreceptor cells, fat body
cells and Malpighian tubules (right). A pair of closely-spaced E-boxes that bind CLK-CYC
with high affinity are thought to promote transcription activation of clock genes in all
tissues, whereas CLK-CYC bound to an E-box and a tissue-specific factor bound to a
tissue-specific binding site cooperatively activate transcription of clock output genes in
different tissues. Pacemaker neuron-specific factor binding site, PN-FBS;
photoreceptor-specific factor binding site, PR-FBS; fat body-specific factor binding site,
FB-FBS; Malpighian tubule-specific factor binding site, MT-FBS.