Table I.
Patient | Sex | Age at surgery | Type of surgery | Date of surgery | Main manifestations | Time of symptom onset (postoperative day) | Diagnosis | Treatment |
1 | M | 57 | CHP+A | May 2010 | Dysphagia, absence of sensivity of hypopharyngeal– laryngeal structures | 9 days | FEES, neck 3D CT, VFSS |
Surgical revision + laryngeal injection of Vox Implants |
2 | M | 62 | CHP | October 2011 | Dysphagia, reduced sensivity of hypopharyngeal– laryngeal structures | 9 days | FEES, neck 3D CT |
Logopaedic rehabilitation, laryngeal injection of Vox Implants |
3 | M | 58 | CHEP | February 2011 | Fever, infection and diastasis of cervical wound, bleeding | 6 days | Neck 3D CT | Antibiotic therapy + surgical revision |
4 | M | 65 | CHEP+A | November 2011 | Bleeding | 8 days | Intraoperative | Surgical revision |
5 | M | 54 | THEP +A | June 2007 | Laterocervical fistula | 10 days | Intraoperative | Surgical revision |
6 | M | 65 | CHP+A | June 2009 | Dysphagia | 9 days | FEES, neck CT, VFSS | Laryngeal injection of Vox Implants + surgical revision |
7 | M | 65 | SHL +A | June 2004 | Dysphagia | 9 days | Intraoperative | Surgical revision + laryngeal injection of Vox Implants |
8 | M | 54 | CHP | September 2005 | Aspiration pneumonia, dyspnoea, dysphonia | 27 days | Intraoperative | Surgical revision |
9 | M | 63 | CHP+A | August 2008 | Dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia, arytenoid paralysis | 9 days | FEES neck, 3D CT, cervical slice CT |
Surgical revision + laryngeal injection of Vox Implants |
10 | F | 49 | CHP | September 2008 | Dysphagia | FEES, neck 3D CT |
Surgical revision + laryngeal injection of Vox Implants |
M, male; F, female; CHEP, cricohyoidoepiglottopexy; CHP, cricohyoidopexy; THEP, tracheohyoidoepiglottopexy; A, arytenoid; SHL, supraglottic horizontal laryingectomy; FEES, functional endoscopic evaluation of swallowing; VFSS, videofluorographic swallowing study.