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. 2004 Jun;78(11):5867–5874. doi: 10.1128/JVI.78.11.5867-5874.2004


Clinical characteristics and detection of HCV RNA in sera and lymphoid cells from patients with serological resolution of hepatitis Ca

Recovery type and patient Age/ sex Route of infection Estimated duration of infection (yr) Antiviral treatment type and duration (wk) Follow-up after SVR to treatment (mo)b HCV RNA
HCV geno- typee Over all positivityf
Serum: positive strandc PBMC
DC: positive strandc
Positive strandc Negative strandd
    1 44/M Blood tx 41 None NA + + NA NA 1b +
    2 42/M IVDU 22 None NA + + NA NT +
    3 32/F IVDU 12 None NA + + + NA 1a +
    4 34/F IVDU 10 None NA + + NA 2a +
    5 55/M Sporadic ND None NA + NT NA NT +
Therapeutically inducedg
    6 46/M IVDU 20 IFN/R (24) 60 + + + 1a +
    7 43/M IVDU 15 IFN/R (48) 60 + + + NA 2a +
    8 37/M IVDU 12 IFN/R (48) 60 + + + + NT +
    9 52/F Blood tx 9 IFN/R (48) 60 + + + + 1a +
    10 43/F IVDU ND IFN/R (48) 60 + + + NT +
    11 50/M Sporadic ND IFN/R (48) 36 + + + + NT +
    12a 49/M IVDU 20 IFN/R (48) 30 + NT + 1b +
    13 48/M IVDU 25 IFN (48) 24 + + NA NT +
    14 44/M IVDU 25 IFN/R (48) 24 + NA NA NA NT +
    15 34/M IVDU 17 IFN/R (24) 17 + NT NA 1b +
    12b 48/M IVDU 20 IFN/R (48) 15 + + NA 1b +
    16 57/M IVDU 35 IFN/R (24) 12 + + + + 1b +
HCV RNA positive/ total tested (%) 15/17 (88) 13/16 (81) 9/12 (75) 6/7 (86) 17/17 (100)

M, male; F, female; Blood tx, blood transfusion; NA, not available or not applicable; ND, not determined; NT, not tested; IFN, alpha interferon; R, ribavirin; 12a and 12b, samples from the same patient collected at 30 (a) and 15 (b) months after clinical recovery.


HCV RNA measured by the Roche Amplicor HCV v2.0 assay (sensitivity, 1,000 vge/ml).


HCV RNA measured by nested RT-PCR-NAH with UTR and E2 region-specific primers (sensitivity, ≤10 vge/ml).


HCV RNA measured by nested RT-PCR-NAH with UTR-specific primers (sensitivity, ∼102 vge/ml).


HCV genotype determined in recovered serum and/or PBMC samples as described in Materials and Methods.


Overall positivity defined as HCV RNA reactivity in either serum, PBMC, or a combination thereof.


Patients with SVR after a 24- to 48-week therapy with IFN or combination treatment with IFN/R.