Table 3.
Multilevel Models for the Respective Interactive Effects of Punitive and Autonomy-Inhibiting Reactions by Emotion-Coaching Reaction on Self-Medication
Punitive Model |
Autonomy-Inhibiting Model |
Outcome: Daily Substance Use |
β | t | OR | Β | t | OR |
Daily negative mood (NM) | −.34 | −.77 | .71 | −.52 | −.92 | .36 |
Emotion-coaching (EC) | −.91 | −2.09* | .40 | −1.03 | −2.27* | .36 |
Emotion-dismissing PES predictor (ED) |
.07 | 0.90 | 1.08 | −1.12 | −1.32 | .33 |
EC x NM | −.33 | −1.34 | .72 | −.50 | −1.61 | .61 |
ED x NM | .76 | 1.35 | 2.13 | 1.12 | 1.74+ | 3.08 |
EC x ED x NM | .62 | 1.83+ | 1.86 | 1.72 | 3.66** | 5.60 |
Note. N=65; Observations=1116; D.f. = 1109 for the three-way interaction term; Results are from simultaneous regression analysis;
p< .10,
p < .05,