Fig. 7.
PA-treated hepatocytes transmit danger signals and induce inflammasome activation in LMNCs. (A) Isolated hepatocytes from C57Bl/6 mice on a normal rodent diet were treated with PA (0.33 mM) or LPS (1000 ng/mL) in the presence or absence of the pancaspase inhibitor ZVAD (40 µM). LDH release as a marker of cell death was determined. The hepatocyte mRNA fold changes of (B) NALP3 and (C) IL-1β were analyzed with qPCR. Supernatants of hepatocytes that were treated with PA for 6 hours and then cultured in fresh media without PA were transferred to LMNCs. The mRNA expression of (D) NALP3 and (E) IL-1β was analyzed. *P < 0.05 versus the control.