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. 2014 Sep 9;5:146. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2014.00146

Table 4.

Significant T3-regulated genes at the transcriptional level found in the cerebral cortex of rodents, involved in synaptogenesis and plasticity: relationship with ASD.

Symbola Protein Process Alteration/disease
ANXA6 Annexin A6 Calcium-binding protein Abnormal vesicle aggregation and fusion in the hippocampal neuron’s axon initial segment
ATP2B2 Ca(2+)-ATPase Plasma membrane calcium-ATPase Abnormal translocation of calcium to the endoplasmic reticulum in hippocampal neurons. ASD
BDNF Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Synaptic structure, function, and plasticity. fragile X syndrome autism Abnormal synaptic structure, function, and plasticity. Fragile X syndrome. ASD
CAMK4 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV CREB phosphorylation signaling pathway ASD
CNTN4 Contactin-4 Cell adhesion molecule Abnormal connectivity in the developing nervous system. ASD
CREB1 cAMP-responsive element binding protein 1 Transcription factor Altered development. ASD
CREM cAMP-responsive element modulator Transcription factor modulating CREB Altered development. ASD
EXOC7 Exocyst complex component 7 Rho3 signaling Abnormal cell polarity, regulation of actin polarity and transport of exocytic vesicles
HAP1 Huntingtin-associated protein 1 Interacts with huntingtin and cytoskeletal proteins Abnormal vesicular trafficking and organelle transport
HRH3 Histamine H3 receptors Signal transduction Abnormal presynaptic inhibition of neurotransmitter release
MAPK1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (ERK2) CREB phosphorylation signaling pathway ASD
NR4A1 Nuclear receptor related 1 protein (NURR77) Transcription factor Abnormal synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. Altered long-term potentiation. Schizophrenia
NRGN Neurogranin Calmodulin-binding protein. Component of postsynaptic density Abnormal synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation. Schizophrenia. ASD
PAFAH1B1 Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit α (Lis1) Interacts with dynein and VLDLR Lissencephaly. ASD
PICALM Phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein Coated vesicles Abnormal coated vesicles. Alzheimer’s disease
SLIT1, SLIT2 Slit homolog 1 and 2 proteins Extracellular matrix protein. Chemorepulsive signal Abnormal axon guidance. Abnormal angiogenesis
SNAP23 Synaptosomal-associated protein 23 SNARE associated protein Abnormal exocitosis
SNX16 Sorting nexin 16 Membrane associated protein Protein sorting
SQSTM1 Sequestosome-1 Ubiquitin binding protein Abnormal regulation of the nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) signaling pathway
SYT2 Synaptotagmin-2 Synaptic vesicles docking Abnormal exocitosis
SYTL5 Synaptotagmin-like protein 5 Synaptic vesicles docking. Marker for parvalbumin immunoreactive buttons Abnormal exocitosis
TGFB2 Transforming growth factor-β 2 Extracellular signaling protein Abnormal regulation of proliferation and differentiation of hippocampal granule neurons
VAMP4 Vesicle-associated membrane protein 4 (synaptobrevin) Synaptic vesicles docking Abnormal exocitosis

aBold shows T3-regulated genes that have been found to be abnormally expressed in autistic humans. Other genes found in autistic humans not regulated by T3 at the transcriptional level have not been included.