SENP1 knockdown inhibits IRF8 transactivation. (A) CL2 cells were transduced with pMSCV vector for wt IRF8, along with empty vector, control shRNA, or Senp1 shRNA pSuper vector, and cultured for 5 d, followed by stimulation with IFN-γ/CpG. Expression of indicated genes was measured by qRT-PCR, as above. (B) IRF8−/− BM DCs (106 cells) were transduced with viral vectors, as above, and stimulated with CpG for 4 h. The values represent the average of three determinations ± SD. Statistical significance was tested by Student t test; **p < 0.005. (C) SUMO conjugation-deconjugation switches IRF8 function: a model. SUMO-conjugated IRF8 present in resting macrophages acts as a repressor. Activation of macrophages with IFN-γ or IFN-γ/TLR stimulates SENP1 expression. SENP1 then removes SUMO from IRF8, converting it to a transcriptional activator. This SUMO switch is critical for the induction of IRF8-regulated genes.