Table 3.
Points to consider for transitions in genetic service provision
Main topics to address | Questions to address |
Deepening implementation | |
Clinical need | Is the service needed to optimize clinical practice? |
Analytical validity and clinical validity | What is the evidence for analytical and clinical validity? |
Clinical utility | What is the evidence for clinical utility? |
Perceived need | |
Stakeholder’s priority and awareness (patients, payers, doctors, etc.) | Do stakeholders perceive the need for introduction of the service? Why (not)? |
Public priority and awareness | |
Surveillance possibilities (economic, technical) | How will the implementation of the service be monitored? |
Broadening implementation | |
Learning from others | What can be learnt from similar services existing elsewhere? |
Cooperation and communication strategies | How to ensure and maintain cooperation and communication between different stakeholders? |
Scaling up implementation | |
Educating stakeholders (payer, doctors, nurses) | How should the actors involved in the execution of the service be educated? |
Public education | How to educate the public about the existence, characteristics, and implications of the service? |
Information material for the target group | What should be the content of the information material? |
Where should it be available? (internet, leaflets, tv, etc.) | |
Dissemination strategies | What is the target population and how should the service be disseminated to them? |
Availability of genetic counselling | What are the needs for information and pre and posttest counselling and how to ensure the availability for the potential users of the service? |
Acceptability (legal, political, cultural) | What are legal, moral, and financial prerequisites that need to be met? |
Health economic evaluation | Are the benefits outweighing the costs? |
Continuous evaluation and quality control | How will the (quality of the) service be evaluated? |
What are the outcome measures (user satisfaction, clinical outcome, etc.) | |
Who will be responsible for the evaluation? | |
Monitoring results | How will the results of the service be monitored? |
Technology development | How to ensure that new developments/notions will be integrated in the service? |