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. 2014 Jun 4;5(4):337–347. doi: 10.1007/s12687-014-0189-x

Table 3.

Points to consider for transitions in genetic service provision

Main topics to address Questions to address
Deepening implementation
 Clinical need Is the service needed to optimize clinical practice?
 Analytical validity and clinical validity What is the evidence for analytical and clinical validity?
 Clinical utility What is the evidence for clinical utility?
 Perceived need
  Stakeholder’s priority and awareness (patients, payers, doctors, etc.) Do stakeholders perceive the need for introduction of the service? Why (not)?
  Public priority and awareness
 Surveillance possibilities (economic, technical) How will the implementation of the service be monitored?
Broadening implementation
 Learning from others What can be learnt from similar services existing elsewhere?
 Cooperation and communication strategies How to ensure and maintain cooperation and communication between different stakeholders?
Scaling up implementation
 Educating stakeholders (payer, doctors, nurses) How should the actors involved in the execution of the service be educated?
 Public education How to educate the public about the existence, characteristics, and implications of the service?
  Information material for the target group  What should be the content of the information material?
 Where should it be available? (internet, leaflets, tv, etc.)
 Dissemination strategies What is the target population and how should the service be disseminated to them?
 Availability of genetic counselling What are the needs for information and pre and posttest counselling and how to ensure the availability for the potential users of the service?
 Acceptability (legal, political, cultural) What are legal, moral, and financial prerequisites that need to be met?
 Health economic evaluation Are the benefits outweighing the costs?
 Continuous evaluation and quality control How will the (quality of the) service be evaluated?
 What are the outcome measures (user satisfaction, clinical outcome, etc.)
Who will be responsible for the evaluation?
 Monitoring results How will the results of the service be monitored?
 Technology development How to ensure that new developments/notions will be integrated in the service?