Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the differentially expressed (fold change ≥ 2 and p < 0. 05) proteins in the embryo of honey bee workers (A.m.ligustica). The columns represent the embryonic age (24 h, 48 h, and 72 h), and the rows represent the individual proteins. The up- or down-regulated proteins are indicated by red and green color code, respectively. The color intensity changes with the protein expressional level as noted on the key bar on the top right. The histograms denote the expression trend of the representative proteins and the 3D montages are the abundance of representative peptides of a protein that uniquely (2, 3, 5, and 6) or commonly (1, 4, and 7) expressed in the embryo of the honey bee workers (A.m.ligustica) aged 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h, respectively.