Figure 2.
Stem/Progenitor content of freshly isolated adipose stromal vascular cells. A representative sample is shown. Statistics in analytical regions represent the percent positive (mean ± SEM) for four independent samples. The gating population for each histogram is shown in square brackets and comprises the denominator for percent calculations. From left to right, top to bottom: Nonhematopoietic (Non-Heme) cells are identified on events gated to remove autofluorescent cells, cell clusters, and events with <2N DNA [Cleanup Gate]. Endothelial progenitor cells (EP) are CD31+/CD34+. Pericytes (PC, CD146+/CD34-) and supra-adventitial adipose stromal cells (SA-ASC, CD146-/CD34+) are identified among CD31 negative, nonhematopoietic cells. SA-ASC are CD34+, but express MSC-associated markers CD73, CD105 and CD90.