Figure 32.
XFI of mercury in methylmercury-l-cysteinate treated zebrafish larvae. Part (a) shows an intact tricaine-anesthetized larva showing localization of Ca, Zn, and Hg plus an optical micrograph (opt); the developing fish otoliths are prominent in the Ca image. Part (b) shows a typical head section displaying the same chemical elements, plus a histologically stained optical micrograph together with a line rendition of the stained micrograph showing the cornea (co), eye-lens (el), retina (re), optic nerve (on), and the fore-brain (br) (diencaphalon). Intensity scales are shown with linear scaling (lin), and with logarithmic scaling (log) to allow better visualization of the lower intensities. Part (c) shows a high-resolution image of the surface regions of the eye lens indicating that the mercury is localized in a layer beneath the lens epithelium (ep). Data were collected on SSRL 9-3 (a),89 APS 20ID (b),51 and APS 2ID (c).15