“[The CF team doesn't get that I am] stretched every which way, between my parents wanting me to come home on the weekends, my grades at school, my girlfriend wanting me to spend time with her, and then trying to manage the CF stuff and make sure I get that done as well. I mean, there's a certain point where you've got to put your health first, which is what the doctors always press [but] there [is] other stuff too” (20-year-old female)
“[the CF team did not understand] the demand on, you know…all these meds…and [the demand to] keep up the schoolwork, but still have a good social life. It's kind of like something's got to give. She can either do the meds or she can go out, but she can't do both.” (Parent of 18- year-old female)
“If you find somebody [a CF physician] that you trust, you are going to be compliant. You are going to do what he says or she says…” (Parent of 17-year-old female)
“…one thing that my doctor has done that's been fantastic [is]…like when I was back doing hypertonic [saline] all the time, she would say, 'Well, you're doing it three times a week, that's fantastic, but just so you know, if you did a little more, it could improve, you know, whatever.'…she hasn't slammed me down when I haven't done things that haven't been necessarily completely health savvy. She's just kind of like, 'Oh, I'm glad that you're at least doing it some.'…And you know, I don't get my PT often, and I don't really do physical exercise other than walking, and they haven't completely slammed me. Which has been really nice. Because sometimes, I think, on the whole they've actually been very understanding that I have a life other than having CF…my entire day doesn't consist of just doing meds…I kind of wish that sometimes they knew exactly …what they're asking patients with CF to do, because you know it's like, 'well, you should be getting an hour to two hours of exercise a day, do PT, do all your nebs twice a day,' but I also have to manage other things too.” (19-year-old female)