Close-up view of the docked complex. The binding mode of the ligand 35 obtained using AD Vina is shown in green.34 (a) Electrostatic potential calculated using the program
APBS with the linear Poisson–Boltzmann equation, contoured
at ±11.0 kT/e and mapped on the solvent-accessible surface.35 Negatively charged surface areas are shown in
red. The positions of the binding pockets S1, S2, S3, and S4 and the catalytic triad are indicated.
The protein is presented in the serine protease standard orientation,
i.e., looking into the active site cleft. (b) Detailed view of the
main interactions presented in the proposed binding mode. Labels of
the NS2B and NS3 residues are shown in blue and red, respectively,
labels for the catalytic triad are black, distances of intermolecular
hydrogen bonds are labeled in green, ligand intramolecular hydrogen
bonds are in magenta, and the centroids of the aromatic rings, involved
in π–π stacking interactions, are colored in orange
with respective distances labeled in black. The graphic was generated
using Chimera.36