Table 1.
DC subset | Phenotype | Specific transcription factors |
Specific mediators produced upon activation |
Specific antigen- presentation capacities |
Location | Tissue condition |
Mice | Humans | ||||||
Plasmacytoid DC | CD11cint MHC class IIint B220, BST2 and SIGLEC-H | CD11c− MHC class IIint CD123, BDCA2 and BDCA4 | TCF4 (also known as E2-2) | Type 1 IFN | Present and Cross-present peptides only after activation | Lymphoid organs | Steady state |
CD11b+ESAMhi cDC | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, CD11b, CX3CR1low and ESAMhi | CD11chi MHC class IIhi CD11b and BDCA1 | Notch 2 | ND | Present peptides on MHC class II molecules to CD4+ T cells | Lymphoid organs | Steady state |
CD11b+ESAMlow cDC‡ | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, CD11b, CX3CR1hi and ESAMlow | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, CD11b, CD16 and CD14 | ND | TNF and IL-12 | ND | Lymphoid organs | Steady state |
CD8α+ cDC | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, XCR1, CLEC9A and CD8α | CD11cint MHC class IIhi XCR1, CLEC9A and BDCA3 | BATF3 | IL-12 | Cross-present peptides on MHC class I molecules to CD8+ T cells | Lymphoid organs | Steady state |
CD103+ cDC | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, CD103, XCR1 and CLEC9A | CD11chi MHC class IIhi XCR1, CLEC9A and BDCA3 | BATF3 | ND | Cross-present peptides on MHC class I molecules to CD8+ T cells | Peripheral tissues | Steady state |
CD11b+ cDC | CD11chi MHC class IIhi CD103§, CD11b and CD24 | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, CD11b, SIRPα§ and BDCA1║ | IRF4 and Notch 2❡ | IL-6 and IL-23 | Present peptides on MHC class II molecules to CD4+ T cells | Lungs and gut | Steady state |
Interstitial cDC | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, X3CR1 and CD11b | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, CD11b, CD16 and CD14 | ND | TNF and IL-12 | ND | Peripheral tissues | Steady state |
Langerhans cell | CD11chi MHC class IIhi Langerin and CD205 | CD11chi MHC class IIhi CD1a, Langerin and CD205 | ND | ND | ND | Epidermis | Steady state |
Monocyte-derived DC | CD11chi, MHC class IIhi, CD11b, CX3CR1 and CD209 | CD11chi MHC class IIhi and CD11b | ND | TNF and iNOS | Present peptides on MHC class II molecules to CD4+ T cells | Inflamed lymph nodes and tissues | Inflamed |
BATF3, basic leucine zipper transcription factor ATF-like 3; BDCA, blood dendritic cell antigen; BST2, bone marrow stromal antigen 2; cDC, classical dendritic cell; CLEC9A, C-type lectin domain family 9 member A; CX3CR1, CX3C-chemokine receptor 1; ESAM, endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule; IFN, interferon; IL-12, interleukin-12; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; IRF4, interferon-regulatory factor 4; ND, not described; SIGLEC, salic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin; SIRPα, signal-regulatory protein-α; TCF4, transcription factor 4; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; XCR1, XC-chemokine receptor 1.
The table (which is by no means all-inclusive) shows the main cell surface markers, subset-specific transcription factors and predominant functional features of the putative orthologous human and mouse dendritic cell subsets3–5,116,117.
It is unclear whether the human and mouse subsets of these DCs are orthologous.
Expression has been reported in the gut.
Expression has been reported in the lungs.
The expression of Notch 2 is ubiquitous; however, its function is only required in this DC subset in the gut and not in the lungs.