Abstinence enhances the devaluation of saccharin that predicts impending, but delayed cocaine availability during the first 15 trials of saccharin delivery. On day 1 of training rats exhibited predominantly appetitive taste reactivity counts during saccharin infusion (A&B, left columns) but aversive counts after saccharin was paired with cocaine for 14 days (A&B, middle columns). Following 30 days of abstinence, the increase of aversive taste reactivity counts was exacerbated (A&B, right columns). * denotes significantly different from day 1, # denotes significantly different from day 14, ^ denotes a trend towards significantly different from day 14. Experimenter controlled abstinence (30 days) led to an increase in number of lever presses under extinction compared to only 1 day of abstinence (C). * denotes significant difference in lever presses (p<0.05). The number of lever presses during extinction was positively correlated with the percent change in cocaine-induced devaluation following abstinence (D).