Figure 4. IR difference spectra of HypCDMC that show the effect of 12CO, 13CO, and O2.
(Fig. 4A) Binding of external 12CO (13CO) produces a new peak, 2038 cm−1 (2006 cm−1) and induces a shift of the original Fe–CO peak from 1927 to 1968 cm−1 (1960 cm−1). Note these spectra do not give rise to difference signals in the CN− region. (Fig. 4B) A strong negative contribution at 1927 cm−1 is observed. Double difference spectra depict on the influence of O2 on CO–soaked sample (CO>O2) and vice versa (O2>CO). No additional difference bands are observed. Note these spectra do not give rise to difference signals in the CN− region.