Figure 3. Alignment of C. botulinum and C. sporogenes germinant receptor proteins.
Homologues of C. botulinum (strain ATCC3502) GRs were identified by BLASTp analyses using the draft un-assembled genome of C. sporogenes (strain ATCC15579). (a) Tree calculated (using Jalview [76]) from the pairwise sequence distances between GerXA only (determined from % sequence identities) of C. sporogenes (CLOSPO_number.) and C. botulinum (CBOnumber.) GRs, using the UPGMA algorithm [76]; average distances between GerXA (green) are shown on the branches. GerXB (red) and GerXC (yellow) are shown on the same tree (UPGMA produced identical-topology trees for each of the GerXB, GerXC proteins; distances not shown). (black triangle) Position of insertion sites of retargeted introns for mutations (in equivalent DNA sequence). Small green coloured region of CBO1974 represents a small protein fragment (CBO1973A), the coding sequence of which overlaps that of CBO1974, with homology to the C terminus of a GerXA protein. Blue square; 20 amino acid section that is deleted in its C. sporogenes homologue, CLOSPO_00838. (b) More detailed version of part of the above tree, showing the amino acid sequence encoded by a region in CBO0123 that is deleted from its C. sporogenes homologue, CLOSPO_00838.