The N-Cap/PAS domain of Kv11. 1 is not interchangeable with that of Kv10.1.
A, cartoon representation of a single subunit of either WT Kv11.1 channels (panel (i)), N-truncated (Δ2–137) Kv11.1 channels (panel (ii)), Kv11.1 channels with the N-Cap and PAS domains replaced by those of Kv10.1 (panel (iii)), or Kv11.1 channels with only the PAS domain of Kv10.1 (panel (iv)). Corresponding deactivation current traces are shown in the right hand panels for voltages between −50 and −150 mV in 20-mV increments. B, exemplary fits (red lines) of two exponential components to raw current traces measured at −120 mV (black lines) for WT and Δ2–137 channels. The fast (τfast) and slow (τslow) time constants are indicated. C, mean (± S.E.) rates of deactivation for WT Kv11.1 (black circles, n = 16), N-truncated Kv11.1 (gray triangles, n = 5), Kv11.1 with the N-Cap and PAS domain of Kv10.1 (green diamonds, n = 5), or Kv11.1 with only the PAS domain of Kv10.1 (open squares, n = 5). Note that error bars are included but are often within the symbols. Mean ± S.E. values for τfast, τslow, and the relative amplitudes of τfast to τslow for WT and all mutants are given in supplemental Table S1.