DOM images of different implant articulating surface with patterns of cell attack where individual cells moved while corroding the surface. These concentric ring-like patterns show that these inflammatory cells attach to and migrate on the Co-Cr-Mo surface. They attach to, spread and migrate on, and attack the surface in a way that is consistent with how adherent osteoclasts, for example, attack bone or hydroxyl apatite25. A) Head of a hip implant in a MOP bearing (bar = 100 µm). Note that in this example the cellular attack appears to start in the lower middle of the micrograph, begins to migrate to the left and down, and then turns and begins to advance upward. Each concentric ring is where the cell has attacked the substrate and then advanced to the next front (smooth region) and attacked the next layer, repeating the process. B) to D) Are additional examples from MOM heads (bar = 200 µm). Note the consistency in the attack across implants.