Figure 4. Images showing the fate of Cells of Renin Lineage in glomerular regeneration and Schema showing proposed dual role for PECs and CoRL as adult podocyte progenitors in glomerular disease.
(A) Images from normal adult kidney and following podocytes loss during kidney disease in RenCre;ZsGreen reporter mice. Note all of the vascular arteriolar wall is labeled due to Renin expression during development. Note that the adjacent glomerulus is devoid of cells of renin lineage but following podocyte loss cells can be seen along Bowman’s capsule and in the glomerular tuft. (B) Images from RenCreER;tdTomato reporter mice that received tamoxifen to induce recombination to activate tdTomato expression in renin producing cells at 6 weeks of age. Only cells in the JGA at the tip of the afferent arteriole are permanently labeled. Note that following podocytes loss during kidney disease, there is migration of renin labeled cells from the JGA to Bowman’s capsule and the glomerular tuft. (C-D) Schema showing the fate of juxtaglomerular cells of renin lineage and tubular pole PECs in the setting of kidney disease. Both of these cells from fate mapping experiments have the capacity to acquire podocytes like qualities.